Monday, June 6, 2011

After School

Lyf is not wat u expect it to be, it is wat u make it and if u make it miserable, u r the only one ends up living such a lyf because through my years of growing up, I have discovered that u r only valuable on earth as long as u have something to show wen faced with criticism from your peers and the world at large. Therefore the best way to beat such issues in this world is always striving to be the best and there is GOD who guides you through your hard work to make you successful in lyf.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mathematics for fun

The only time math has been fun in lyf is when I look back and see how much of a fool I was back then and how easy the stuff had been. This gives me the morale to keep on going for I have in mind that one day it is all gonna seem simple than it is now

Welcome Remark

As we approach the end of this section of the road, we must seek all available options to ensure maximum engagement with the love of our lives a.k.a mathematics hl!
Welcome to this forum and bring dem thoughts, questions,answers,fun,TOKish math,..the list is endless!